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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2006
Memorial Town Hall

Members Present: C. Stanovich, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, D. Lindberg

Members Absent: R. Ricker

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

PUBLIC HEARING contd. – Special Permit Definitive Subdivision, Hill Woods Condominiums:  P. Harding has spoken with the Consultant.  The revisions have been received and are being reviewed.  Formal comments have not been received, but the consultant has verbally stated that he believes the issues are minor and can be conditionally approved.  The project should be ready for a vote, although only 4 voting members are present.  It should be put on the November 14th meeting, with a November 21, 2006, extension for filing with the Town Clerk.

W. Ritter motioned to approve the written request of the  applicant to continue the Public Hearing to November 14, 2006 with a request for a filing of the decision with the Clerk until November 21, 2006.  D. Lindberg seconded.  C. Stanovich abstained from the vote.  Vote 4-0.

PUBLIC HEARING – Special Permit, Westminster Hollow, Fafard Realty, Newell Road:  All information has been distributed to the Board, including the original submission and response.  The applicant has submitted a restoration landscaping plan, a time schedule for improvements to Newell Road, that the Board also has copies of.  The Director of the Light Dept. will be meeting with the applicant next week.  Revised plans and a presentation was brought before the Board.  The applicant is planning on doing the plantings this month.

Public Comments:
Jim Robinson, 98 Newell Rd:  Commended the developer for his part in the proposed planting plan.  O. Lies would like to see the tree stumps and dirt piles removed, to which the applicant agreed.

The applicant would like clarification from the tree warden regarding plantings, and would be willing to add landscape trees according to the tree warden’s recommendations.  C. Stanovich asked the applicant to go through the submitted time schedule, submitting progress reports.

Tom LeBoeuf, 120 Newell Rd:  Inquired if more lighting could be available.
Karl Makela, 60 Newell Rd:  According to the tree hearing, more trees are to be cut down.  Concerned with the time frame schedule, and recommended pushing up all the time lines. Walter Laptewicz, 90 Newell Rd:  Asked for a recap of what has been discussed.  The applicant asked for the meeting minutes from the tree meeting.
David Cyganski. 94 Newell Rd:  Wanted to see the tree planting plan.  Asked what guarantees there would be besides what’s in writing.

Board Comments:
O. Lies:  No problem with the time schedule.
C. Prager:  Regular reporting would be helpful.
D. Lindberg:  Agrees with Board.
C. Stanovich:  Applicant must adhere to the schedule.

W. Ritter motioned to close the Public Hearing.  D. Lindberg seconded.  All in favor.  W. Ritter motioned and read the draft of conditions, for the extension of time, into record with the changes.  C. Prager seconded.  All in favor.  Vote 5-0.

Karl Makela, 60 Newell Rd:  Said that a report every 90 days is not very good, and thought sidewalks were to go all the way to Main St.  P. Harding stated that the developer does not own that piece of property.
David Cyganski. 94 Newell Rd:  Was at the meeting with the tree warden, and no one from Fafard was there.  P. Harding said the tree warden is aware of the issue of the tree buffer zone.

W. Ritter motioned to amend his motion with changes to condition #46.  All in favor of extending the Special Permit.  W. Ritter motioned to amend the original motion.  C. Prager seconded.  All in favor.  Vote 5-0.

MASTER PLAN UPDATE:  P. Harding let the Board know how the October 3rd visioning session went.  Traffic, and the I-190 connector were the major issues.  The next meeting will be October 17th.

NEXT MEETINGS:  November 14, 2006 at 7:30 PM. at the Memorial Town Hall.

D. Lindberg motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting.  W. Ritter seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned at 8:40 PM.

October 10, 2006 meeting minutes approved:      January 23, 2007        

Debra A. Sciascia
Recording Secretary